740.0011 E.W./2–1045: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)
142. The Foreign Office telegraphed Mora the President’s view that Chile should be able to sign the United Nations Declaration upon the execution of some suitable formula which the President could issue in the form of an official declaration. Mora has consulted the Department fully and has now prepared and telegraphed to Chile a draft statement which we now believe will be sufficient. This statement after three preliminary paragraphs concludes with the declaration that “in accordance with the foregoing and within the constitutional framework the President of the Republic recognizes the fact of existing belligerency between Chile and Japan. There is being drafted an appropriate bill for presentation to Congress.”
In addition to the foregoing, we told Mora that it would be necessary that Chile address to the Department a private note saying that this action is “equivalent to war”. In this manner the action would be sufficiently similar to the Colombian action76 to justify Chile’s admission. Of course Mora understands that this private note would not be for publication.
The Department is delighted that Chile’s thinking along the lines expressed to you by President Ríos a few days ago has progressed to this extent and desires that you see the Foreign Minister or the President as soon as possible in the matter. If they act quickly it may be possible to have Chile present at the February 14 ceremony.
- For documentation on the entry of Colombia into a state of belligerency with Germany and adherence to the United Nations Declaration, see Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. vi, pp. 1 ff.↩