
The Ambassador in Brazil (Berle) to the Secretary of State

No. 1353

Subject: Order of the Coordinator of Economic Mobilization Centralizing Decisions on Import and Export Restrictions Covering Commodities Under the Distribution of that Office.

Sir: I have the honor to refer to despatches number 343 of February 2611 and 417 of March 3, 1945, on the above-mentioned subject. With the former there was enclosed a copy of a note addressed to the Foreign Office12 requesting a clarification of the scope of that Order and its relationship to Order No. 7 which had instituted an import license control system. For details regarding Order No. 7 reference is made to despatch No. 27 of January 29, 1945,13 under the subject “Brazilian Government Establishes New Import Control System.”

A reply to Note No. 31 has now been received from the Foreign Office, copy and translation of which are enclosed.11 The reply states that both measures controlling imports are of a provisional nature for effect during the war emergency and that they were instituted to maintain and develop production in the interest of the United Nations. It was further clarified that the Orders were not issued to support anti-economic industries, which could only subsist at the cost of permanent official favors and to the prejudice of Brazilian consumers.

Respectfully yours,

For the Ambassador:
DuWayne G. Clark

Commercial Attaché
  1. Not printed.
  2. No. 31, p. 718.
  3. Not printed, but see despatch 28 of the same date, p. 717.
  4. Not printed.