632.116/1–2345: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Berle)
276. Reurtel 222, January 22, 1945 and 242, January 23, 1945. The Department wishes to express its appreciation to the Embassy staff for its constant efforts to prevent the institution of the Brazilian import license decree, or at least to persuade the authorities to accept a modified version of the decree.
It is not clear from the final paragraph of the second telegram under reference whether any commodities in Schedule I of our trade agreement with Brazil7 are included in the controlled items. The Department requests that the Embassy forward, as soon as available, a complete list of the commodities requiring an import license. It is hoped that if any commodities in the list are in the trade agreement the Brazilian Government will, in the case of their being imported from the United States, take appropriate steps to exclude them from the effects of the decree.
- Agreement signed February 2, 1935, with supplementary agreement signed April 17, 1935; for text, see Department of State Executive Agreement Series No. 82, or 49 Stat. (pt. 2) 3808 and 3834. For documentation regarding ratification of the Agreement, see Foreign Relations, 1935, vol. iv, pp. 300 ff.↩