835.00/11–1345: Telegram
The Chargé in Argentina (Cabot) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:30 p.m.]
2846. ReEmbtel 2831, November 10 and A–590, November 13.74 Foreign Minister has issued second lengthy report claiming Argentina [Page 488] has complied with international commitments and that Nazi-Fascist propaganda spreading from base here no longer possible. Claims based on following actions:
- 1.
- Junta after laborious efforts described in detail has determined German ownership many corporations cloaked as Swiss entities.
- 2.
- Junta has intervened 63 firms; additional 69 are under possession and control of Govt.; Govt, has resolved take possession of 14, and further 195 being investigated (this about identical with Embassy’s figures).
- 3.
- Decrees issued call for liquidation of 11 firms, forced sale of 8.
- 4.
- Total of 341 firms studied by the Junta.
- 5.
- Assets all firms under varying degrees of governmental investigation, intervention, or control, total 589 million pesos.
- 6.
- Refers to Safehaven decrees as amended and also to fact that Central Bank is now informing Junta regarding accretions to foreign capital in Argentina since 1939.
- 7.
- Foreign Office claims that “no German or Jap schools exist in Argentina.” (Actually only 12 German and one Jap school closed. Fifteen Jap and undetermined no. German schools remain, latter including at least 20 notoriously German institutions. Actually Embassy has names only 57 German schools still open and knows little about most these; investigation now in process, reEmbdes 1037, October 10; 1219, October 3179).
- 8.
- Statement claims all Jap and German associations closed except few Jap sport, social, cultural associations now being investigated with view closure. (No Jap associations yet known closed, and various Nazi relief organizations are occasionally reported to be quietly active, reEmbdes 1245, November 3.80
- 9.
- Foreign Office claims all directly or indirectly Nazi-influenced publications suspended and that Govt, will zealously prevent reestablishment same or new ones (yet notorious Nazi Cabildo reappeared as pro-Perón Tribuna October 31 and continues unhindered, reEmbdes 1234, November 280).
- 10.
- Problem of Graf Spee crew reported “solved” and transportation only hindrance repatriation (no mention made that Govt, contemplates permit continued residence many married to Argentines, reEmbtel 2836, November 1080).
- 11.
- Statement recounts steps taken against enemy agents, mentioning creation special organizations in Federal Police and Foreign Office for this purpose and for exchange police information with other American nations; arrest 13 members German Blue Group (reEmbdes [Page 489] 1255, November 581); holding of some agents for prosecution and of others, released by court, at disposition executive power (reEmbdes 1232, November 2; statement listed latter group omitting Guillermo Maurer, since deceased, and Gertrudis Schutz); proposed deportation all non-Argentine agents. Where there is proof all agents will be prosecuted and must serve sentences before deportation; but even where proof is insufficient they will be deported by executive action under “Law of Residence”. Further, that every effort will be made suppress similar activities of Argentines, witness arrest Hellmuth, Hoppe, and Liehr (reEmbdes 1245, November 381); that Argentina will communicate to American nations data obtained concerning espionage activities outside Argentina; and that decrees November 7 and 10 ordered deportation 11 agents. Ten of these 11 were included in 22 mentioned for deportation in September 11 Foreign Office statement (reEmbdes 842, September 1981); one of 10 already voluntarily repatriated; 11th was Guillermo Wieland not previously included any list but see despatch 1164, October 24.81 Foreign Office claims 10 have been arrested, reEmbtel 2836, November 10.81
Our evaluation of statement is that progress has been made but that much remains to be done to achieve total elimination of Axis activities. Minister’s statement alleges that Argentina is moving toward this goal and its validity must therefore be tested on basis of Argentina’s good faith. Decrees ordering sales and liquidation and expulsion Axis agents are steps in right direction.