The Chargé in Argentina (Reed) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 30.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that, on January 13, 1945, the Axis newspapers Cabildo (PL)78 and El Federal (PL) appeared on Swedish newsprint and that, during the week ending January 20th, these papers, as well as La Fronda (PL), were printed partially on such imported stock. Die Zeitung successor to Deutsche La Plata Zeitung (PL), also has occasionally appeared on Swedish stock since its inauguration on December 17, 1944.
The Embassy, on January 16, 1945, summoned importers of Swedish newsprint to a conference, and told them that it was forced to take an extremely serious view of the situation. The importers were informed that, unless the leakage of imported stock could be stopped at once, stricter controls over the importation of newsprint might have to be placed in effect.
On December 17, 1944, the matter was discussed between an officer of this Embassy and Count Borgenstierna, Counsellor of the Swedish Legation. Borgenstierna, who has been most cooperative in the past, was very much perturbed and said that, on his own responsibility he would demand an explanation from the Argentine Minister of Interior.79 Borgenstierna emphasized that he had full powers from his Government to deal with any violation of the promise made to him some months ago by the Argentine Minister of the Interior in the sense that no Swedish newsprint would be supplied by Government agencies to Proclaimed List newspapers. (Reference Embassy’s despatch No. 15695, August 12, 1944 and Embassy’s telegram No. 2165, August 19, 4 p.m.80)
[Page 441]Borgenstierna has seen the Minister of Interior and has received assurances that an immediate investigation will be made and that the necessary steps will be taken to prevent any recurrence of the present leakage. Borgenstierna’s representations would appear to have been immediately effective, as all proscribed newspapers appeared on nationally manufactured stock on January 20th and January 21st.
The Embassy has reported the closure of Cabildo in its cable No. 106, January 18, 5 p.m.,81 and, from a reliable source close to the Ministry of Interior, a report has been received to the effect that, as a result of Borgenstierna’s strong protest, Argentine authorities have refused to supply Cabildo and El Federal with either national or imported newsprint.
The Embassy will continue to watch the situation, and will report any further developments to the Department.
Respectfully yours,
First Secretary of Embassy