
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Braden)

No. 6964

Sir: The Department is reviewing the Argentine situation with a view to reaching a decision about the desirability of consultation with the other American republics looking toward possible inter-American representations to secure from Argentina a standard of performance under inter-American commitments that would be the equal of performance by any other republics.

The time now may be opportune to seek additional cooperation from the other American republics as a follow-up to the Mexico City Conference. Necessary documentation would include memoranda similar to the two which are enclosed as samples. Consultation with the other American republics would be based upon specific cases in which the implementation by Argentina of its inter-American commitments might be considered unsatisfactory by the other American republics and therefore proper subjects for the governments of those [Page 403] republics to bring to the attention of the Argentine Government. The specific cases are:

Failure to subject the directors and officers of Axis firms and associations to adequate controls. (Embassy to prepare documentation. The statement by Assistant Secretary Clayton entitled “Security Against Renewed German Aggression”, published in the Department of State Bulletin of July 1, 1945 is a pertinent reference.)
The danger that Japanese and German Schools and social organizations still are functioning as centers of anti-democratic propaganda and of possible future totalitarian movements. (Embassy to prepare documentation.)
The failure of the Argentine police to exercise adequate control over suspicious persons and subversive activities. (Embassy to prepare documentation.)
The undue liberty which has been allowed to Graf Spee sailors and the substantial number of sailors who have escaped. (Sample memorandum enclosed.7)
The failure to intern German merchant sailors and captains. (Embassy to prepare documentation.)
The reopening and publication in Spanish of two Japanese newspapers and the reopening of the pro-Nazi “Die Zeitung” under the guise of a democratic newspaper. (Sample memorandum enclosed.7)

These specific cases are cited from your telegram no. 1503 of July 11, 9 p.m.8 You may have others to add to the list. As indicated in the respective memoranda, additional information will be required from the Embassy. The Department feels strongly that the basis of any possible inter-American action must be a strong and well documented factual presentation of cases in which there is reasonable expectation that the other American republics will be satisfied of Argentine failure to implement its inter-American commitments. If you deem it necessary, the Department would consider sending a specially qualified person to Buenos Aires to assist the Embassy in the preparation of this material.

The Department would appreciate your comment by telegram upon this instruction and the enclosures as soon as you have had time to study them and formulate your views.

Feeling in the Department as to the desirability of this action is heightened by the information contained in your telegram no. 1779 of August 6.7

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Nelson A. Rockefeller
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Post p. 465.
  4. Not printed.