
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief, Division of American Republics Analysis and Liaison (Halle) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Braden)

Mr. Braden: I have spoken with Mr. Smith of CP about his attached memorandum,49 in which he suggests that you take up with Dr. Rowe the attitude toward the Economic and Social Council manifested by him and Dr. Manger at the meeting of the Committee on Committees December 17. He agrees that it would be inadvisable for you to approach Dr. Rowe with respect merely to his general attitude, and says he will get up a list of specific actions by Dr. Rowe that you might wish to take up with him.

It is quite true that the Union has responsibility for the finances of the Council, and that the staff of the Council will, for the most part, be personnel of the Union. Apparently the only point made in Mr. Smith’s memorandum is that Drs. Rowe and Manger “seem to take considerable satisfaction” in the provisions of the August 29 resolutions to this effect, and that “the tone of the remarks” made by them was derogatory to the position of the Council.

For your convenience, I attach the pertinent passages of the August 29 report approved by the Governing Board.47

Louis J. Halle, Jr.
  1. Supra.
  2. Not printed.