The Ambassador in Venezuela (Corrigan) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 16.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a memorandum of conversation94 between Senator Jóvito Villalba and Messrs. Knox and Hoover.95 The intervention of the Senator in connection with the Proclaimed List matter described is indicative of the general current interest of Venezuelan public officials in seeking a solution of Pro claimed List problems, as indicated in my recent despatches concerning this general subject.
When a staunch leftist such as Senator Villalba, who has perhaps as unwavering a political record of opposition to Nazism as any Venezuelan, comes to the Embassy in support of the elimination from the Proclaimed List of two Germans (naturalized as Venezuelans but after the war was well under way) who have pro-Nazi records, it is a pretty thorough indication that the average Venezuelan figures that the war is over and wants to let bygones be bygones and get back to normalcy. Pressure on the Government is increasing daily to overcome what is considered to be a national “embarrassment”—i.e., the [Page 1441] continued inclusion in the Proclaimed List of a substantial number of Venezuelan citizens.
My despatches have kept the Department informed of the trend in Venezuela, which I understand is current in others of the Republics, and I strongly suggest the immediate advisability of reducing the Proclaimed List for Venezuela to the hard-core cases as recommended in my despatch No. 7800 of October 5, 1945,96 in order to relieve, at least in substantial part, pressure which may force the Government to take unilateral action. The prompt elimination from the Pro claimed List of all but hard-core cases would increase the chances of maintaining at least some measure of Venezuelan Government support for the principles of the Proclaimed List.
Respectfully yours,