740.31112A/6–1245: Airgram
The Chargé in Venezuela (Flack) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 15—6 p.m.]
A–212. Reference Embassy’s secret despatches Nos. 7293 and 7362 dated May 5 and May 31, 1945, respectively.74
Confinement in Rubio of the confessed accomplices in the conspiracy to sabotage Allied shipping in Venezuela for an indeterminate period and without trial by a competent tribunal impels recommendation that their names be included in the Proclaimed List.
It is believed such inclusion will serve the following purposes: (1) to identify these persons for more effective local control and alternatively, [Page 1434] in the event of release from confinement, it may facilitate subjecting individuals to repatriation and (2) coinciding with mass deletions, it impresses that the List is being actively perpetuated in the postwar.
[Here follows list of names recommended for inclusion.]
- Neither printed.↩