
The Ambassador in Venezuela (Corrigan) to the Secretary of State

No. 6883

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s circular telegram of September 20, 1944, 5:00 p.m.68 requesting that the names included in the Proclaimed List be classified in accordance with whether they are to remain included therein or are to be deleted therefrom under the “over-all plan”.

There is given herewith69 a classification of the names included in the Proclaimed List in accordance with the classification specified in the telegram under reference.70 It is the Embassy’s understandings however, that firms included in I–A will be eligible for deletion when satisfactorily reorganized or liquidated under the “over-all plan” and that employees, partners and subsidiaries of these firms which are not individually objectionable politically will also be eligible for deletion when satisfactory arrangements have been made with respect to their principals. It is recognized, of course, that it may be necessary to [Page 1431] retain on the List some names, particularly among those included in I–B and C, in connection with the carrying out of certain post-resistance policies. The Embassy’s classification has also been based on the understanding that under the “over-all plan” the names of cloaks and other firms and persons whose original inclusion was not based on political considerations and whose continued listing appears to serve no useful purpose, may be removed from the List.

Classification II contains the names of persons and firms which it is believed should be deleted from the Proclaimed List. These are grouped in three categories and it is suggested they be deleted in three stages in the order given when the Interdepartmental Committee on the Proclaimed List is disposed to take this action. It is hoped the deletion of the names given in II–A, the deletion of which was recommended in the Embassy’s despatch No. 6736 of November 29, 1944,71 may be made at the earliest opportunity and that it will be possible to proceed with the deletion of II–B and C not long thereafter.

It will be noted that under II–C there are numerous names, the deletion of which is said to be contingent on the deletion of the respective firms with which they are associated. Some of these are employees and partners of listed firms and may become eligible for deletion at an earlier date than the remainder of the group, while others are cloaks in Maracaibo whose deletion may be made whenever Breuer, Moller & Cía. Sucrs. and Beckmann & Cía. Sucrs., the firms likely to use their services, have been closed. Also included in this classification are a number of firms which have been forced to close by the effects of listing and several individuals who are no longer in Venezuela and who might be removed from the list at any time the Interdepartmental Committee should agree.

It is understood there will be a residual Proclaimed List for Venezuela which will be maintained until it is possible to withdraw the List entirely. In this connection the Embassy recommends that the residual list be composed only of firms and individuals considered politically antipathetic to the United States. These may include some of the names in I–A, B and C and those listed under I–E. In determining those included in the latter category, the following criteria were used: (1) whether the Embassy’s files contain evidence of hostile political sympathies on the part of the persons concerned, and (2) whether such persons are widely regarded by the public as being totalitarian sympathizers. If the Embassy’s recommendation is approved, only politically unfriendly elements will be identified for the final record.

The classification submitted herewith is only slightly different from that prepared by the British Embassy. The differences should not [Page 1432] be irreconcilable. The present classification is submitted without further delay, however, since to obtain a concrete expression of view from the British Embassy with respect to a classification of the Statutory List involved the passage of sufficient time to permit several exchanges of correspondence with London.

Respectfully yours,

Frank P. Corrigan
  1. Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. vii, p. 530.
  2. Enclosure, not printed.
  3. The list provided two categories, those to be retained on the List and those to be deleted. Under the first were A—Spearhead Firms, B—Enemy Controlled Firms, C—Holders of Property belonging to Enemy Nationals, D—Receivers of Looted Property, E—Others likely to Engage in Activities Detrimental to the United States.
  4. Not printed.