833.00/9–545: Airgram

The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

A–303. Reference my political airgram no. 302, September 5, 1945:95 Unless and until unsatisfactory political and general situation set forth in airgram under reference and in previous airgrams is remedied, I can see little likelihood that Government’s bill providing for liquidation of Axis spearheads (Embassy despatch no. 6151, August 1,95 and despatch no. 6194, August 10, 1945) will be enacted. No progress has been made thus far in Congress, and it is reported that Foreign Minister Serrato is not disposed to press measure. However, in present political situation, Serrato’s attitude is not an important factor, at least as long as his forthcoming separation from Cabinet is generally anticipated. Regardless of any action by Serrato or Executive, favorable legislative consideration is out of the question pending settlement of Cabinet crisis and favorable action is extremely doubtful unless President succeeds in solving Cabinet problem in a manner which will assure administration adequate congressional support.

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