833.20 Missions/2–345: Airgram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson)
A–40. Please report any recent developments that might indicate Uruguayan willingness to request an American military mission.
Department realizes difficulties confronting such an eventuality (e.g. urdes 5273),30 but in view of current appreciable increase in Lend Lease allocations for Uruguay the War Department continues to consider it advisable to send an air and ground mission to instruct and aid the Uruguayans in the use of the equipment thus furnished. This Department concurs with this view and hopes that some kind of technical military missions will be requested by Uruguay. (Reference Circular Instruction, Dec. 12, “Future of Military Missions in other American Republics.”)30
Information reaching the Department from various sources indicates that Uruguay is receptive to British desires to send a military mission to Uruguay. The Department trusts that the Uruguayan Government will realize the inadvisability of having a British mission along with American military equipment.