740.0011 E.W./2–1745: Telegram
The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 17—5:05 p.m.]
130. Following summarizes Uruguayan Government’s message of yesterday to Congress submitting bill authorizing Executive to declare Uruguay in state of war with Germany and Japan and to sign United Nations Declaration. Eighteen American nations have declared war on Axis powers and another will surely do so in February making 42 signatories of United Nations Declaration. Aside from nations resisting direct aggression declarations of war respond in majority of cases to fundamental purpose of maintaining inter-American unity in face of extracontinental attacks and of making effective spiritual and political solidarity with countries struggling against aggression and reflect firm resolution of members of American community to intervene actively in events with identical responsibilities, in the interest of each and all and for benefit of world peace. Uruguay which from outset adhered enthusiastically and disinterestedly to cause of United Nations when outcome of war was uncertain cannot now remain outside solidarity group of practically all American countries nor take an inferior position vis-à-vis war and peace problems. In accordance with its traditions and commitments, Uruguay must strengthen its ties with American nations, contribute to fortify collective solidarity for hemisphere defense and victory over Axis and make uniform its attitude and action with sister republics. At same time it must prepare to fulfill its duties of collaboration in establishment of international peace, security and cooperation occupying its due place beside people which have defended moral and juridical patrimony of civilization. To permit the Republic to maintain its active and efficient cooperation in continental solidarity and defense, to reaffirm its adherence to countries fighting for triumph of ideals and principles of justice and liberty and to contribute to future world organization it behooves it to declare state of belligerence with Axis powers and become full member of United Nations. This attitude would agree with all acts and decisions through which throughout war Republic has expressed its repudiation of aggressor powers, manifested its adherence to norms of law and ideals of democracy, supported measures for hemisphere defense, collaborated in war effort against aggressors, and made evident national will to cooperate in establishment in world of system of peaceful relations between peoples and broad bases of justice. Uruguay has found itself for sometime in state of quasi belligerence with Axis powers or [Page 1373] even belligerency which only lacks formality of corresponding declaration as is demonstrated by many acts, declarations and attitudes. Here message enumerates various acts and particularly declaration of solidarity with United States after Pearl Harbor and extension of non-belligerent treatment to other countries, severance of relations with Axis, decree following declaration of war by Brazil, rupture with Vichy and recognition of Algiers Government and resumption of relations with Russia. Consequently declaration of state of belligerency with Axis powers would merely confirm a de facto situation in which country has long found itself through its free decision with fullest support of people whose sentiments Government interprets truly in proposing declaration of war. For these reasons Executive considers that in accordance with its clear traditions and invariable conduct during present war Uruguay should formalize its situation of belligerency placing itself on same line with sister countries against the aggressor powers which still resist joint action of United Nations. Bill as submitted reads:
Article 1, the executive power is authorized to declare that Uruguay finds itself in state of war with Germany and Japan;
Article 2, the executive power is authorized to subscribe the adherence of Uruguay to the Declaration of the United Nations signed in Washington on January 1, 1942.