811.20 Defense (M) Peru/7–2445
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Pawley)
Sir: There is enclosed a draft of a suggested note70 for transmission to the Minister of Foreign Affairs71 discussing the future plans of the United States Government concerning the purchases of ores and concentrates of lead, zinc, and copper in Peru.
The Foreign Economic Administration has informed the Department that supply-requirement estimates indicate some further revision will be necessary for purchases of metals and minerals in foreign countries, including Peru, during the fourth quarter of this year. To insure future flexibility for orderly curtailment in purchases by the United States Government, FEA has suggested that an appropriate note be sent to the Peruvian Government. The note is also in compliance with the Overall Metals and Minerals Agreement as revised August 28, 1944, which provides for three months’ notice for revision of the quantity of any metal or mineral covered by the Agreement.
The Department is advised by FEA that no immediate reduction in purchases of lead is contemplated and, since some zinc concentrates must be purchased to secure lead, zinc purchases may not necessarily be limited to the quantity stipulated in the suggested note.
For the information of the Embassy, FEA is sharply curtailing its procurement of copper from all foreign sources in the fourth quarter, particularly its purchases of copper ores and concentrates. Maximum future flexibility to curtail purchases of these materials is desirable since processing to refined copper is not completed until several months after their delivery.
Very truly yours,