740.0011 E W /2–845: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (White)
146. Reurtel 139, February 8, 8 p.m.18 Garland19 came in this morning with a proposed draft which appears entirely satisfactory except for the last paragraph. We said it was necessary that this paragraph be slightly revised to read generally as follows: The President of Peru, with approval of Council of Ministers, declares or recognizes that as a consequence of these acts there has resulted a state of effective belligerency between Peru and the two Axis nations and it has been decided that Peru adheres to the Declaration by United Nations by subscribing to that international document.
We believe that this slight change will be acceptable to Peru as it follows the general line of the Colombian procedure which we understand Peru is using as a guide. Garland was satisfied with proposed modification, which he is cabling to the Foreign Office.
Please immediately see the proper authority to reinforce Garland’s cable.