611.1931/3–2045: Telegram

The Chargé in Panama (Donnelly) to the Secretary of State

271. Both President de la Guardia and the Foreign Minister94 remarked to me today in the course of a conversation relating to the [Page 1266] legislation discriminating against American business interests in Panama that the Panamanian Government would prefer to settle this matter by means of a commercial treaty between the two countries. President de la Guardia said that it might be possible to negotiate and sign a treaty between now and June 15 on which date he will resign as President of the Republic, but that the treaty would be subject to the approval of the Constitutional Assembly. I told him that I would inform the Department and request instructions in the premises. I desire to point out that while the President and the Foreign Minister voluntarily expressed a preference for a commercial treaty the latter told me ATC [at a] subsequent meeting that in his opinion a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation would serve the purpose. If the Department perceives no objection to such treaty, would it be possible to be guided by the terms of the friendship, commerce and navigation treaty between the United States and Liberia?95

  1. Roberto Jimenez.
  2. Treaty of August 8, 1938, Department of State, Treaty Series No. 956; 54 Stat. (pt. 2) 1739.