881.00/6–1345: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 14—7:49 a.m.]
3526. Dept’s 2481, June 1 [2]. Following is translation of note just rec’d from FonOff in reply to my note of June 4:33
“Referring to Your Excellency’s note Numb 538 of June 4 I have the honor to confirm that the French Govt agrees entirely with the Govt of the US that the time has come to put an end to the Spanish occupation of Tangier.
His Majesty the Sultan of Morocco having informed the Resident General of France34 at Rabat of the interest which he places in recovering without further delay the exercise of the sovereign rights which belong to him—within the framework of the international statute—over this part of his Empire, the French Govt would like to engage with the least possible delay in conversations which would determine the form of a common approach to the Span. Govt, and determine the conditions for reestablishing the international administration of Tangier.
In this connection the Fren. Govt, believes—as I have already had the honor to inform your Excellency—that the regime established by the Convention of Paris, which has never ceased to be in force, should in its entirety be again put in application and serve as the basis for the political and administrative statute of the zone. The Fren. Govt, is not opposed to the examination by the interested powers at a later date of changes in the regime or adjustments which might reveal themselves as necessary; but it considers that the actual and legal status existing before the Spanish coup de force must first be reestablished.
As regards the place where the above-mentioned conversations should start, I am pleased to renew to Your Excellency the invitation which I had the honor to transmit by my note of May 26. It would seem to be indicated that the coming negotiations should take place in France, since on the one hand the preceding conferences of 1923 and 1928 were held in Paris, and on the other hand Tangier comes under the sovereignty of the Sultan, who, in accordance with the treaty of March 30, 1912 finds himself placed under the protectorate of France.”
In a conversation with Bidault June 9 he said he had just approved the draft of the above note. With regard to the last pgh he stated that Fren. Govt, would not insist on holding the conversations in Paris but could not agree to their being held in London.
This cable sent Dept as 3526 rptd London as 419.