- Conversations between President Roosevelt and King Farouk of Egypt,
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, and King Abdul Aziz al-Saud of Saudi
Arabia, at Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, on February 13–14, 1945 (Documents 1–6)
- Conference of Chiefs of Mission in the Near East with President Truman on
November 10, 1945
(Documents 7–8)
- Consideration given by the Department of State to elevating legations of
the United States in the Near East to the status of embassies
(Documents 9–12)
- Attitude of the United States toward the question of Arab union
(Document 13)
- Approach to the United States by the League of Arab States regarding the
uprising in Algeria (Documents 14–15)
- Aspects of Department of State thinking on political and economic policies
of the United States in the Near and Middle East for the postwar
period (Documents 16–20)
- Concern of the United States for ensuring American participation in the
development of petroleum resources in the Near East
(Documents 21–28)
- Assurances sought by the United States that the United Kingdom would not
oppose efforts by the United States to conclude bilateral civil air
transport agreements with various governments in the Near and Middle
(Documents 29–41)
- Agreement with the United Kingdom governing disposition of United States
surplus property in the Middle East
(Documents 42–43)
- Termination of the Middle East Supply Center by joint action of the United
States and the United Kingdom
(Documents 44–45)