Declaration of war by Iran on Japan70
[There was no discussion by the United States with Iran regarding the question of an Iranian declaration of war on Japan. However, in note 5276, March 1, 1945, the Iranian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Entezam) notified the Ambassador in Iran (Morris) that the Imperial Iranian Government had made such a declaration on February 28, 1945. In his acknowledgment (note 198) of March 8, 1945, the Ambassador stated: “It is hardly necessary to assure you that the American Government welcomes this step, whereby Iran once again associates herself with the nations fighting aggression and working for liberty in a peaceful world. Permit me to express also my personal gratification at this further proof of the common purpose of our two governments.” (740.0011PW/3–845)]
- See also documentation on the declaration of war by Iran on Germany on September 9, 1943, ibid., 1943, vol. iv, pp. 428 ff.↩