
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of African Affairs (Wasson)

Mr. Middleton informed me that a telegram had just been received from London, suggesting that our respective Ambassadors in Paris should approach the French, saying that our two Governments agree that the Spanish occupation of the International Zone of Tangier should be terminated as soon as possible and that, if the French agree, a joint notification on the part of the three countries should be made to the Spanish Government at an early date. In the meantime, the British suggest that France, the United Kingdom, and the United States should agree not to take any unilateral action which might prejudice the existing or any future international arrangement.

Mr. Middleton stated that the Embassy’s cable to London, which had been sent at our request, had crossed the incoming message and that it was considered that immediate action by our two Governments was called for.

About an hour later I informed Mr. Middleton that instructions were being sent to Paris along the lines which had been suggested,8 and he replied that their Ambassador in Paris would be similarly instructed.

  1. In telegram 2198, May 19, 1945, 8 p.m., the Ambassador in France was instructed that after immediate consultation with his British colleague and in agreement with him he should approach the French Government in the sense of this memorandum (881.00/5–1945). Telegram 2926, May 24, 1945, 2 p.m., from Paris, stated that these instructions had been carried out; the British and American Embassies had delivered similar notes to the French Foreign Office on May 22 (881.00/5–2445).