868.00/10–645: Telegram

The Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

1128. My telegram 1124, October 5 and previous. Saw Liberal leader Sophoulis today and urged he collaborate in general effort establish stable government on same terms employed with others. In reply he affirmed his party’s earnest desire hold genuine elections soonest but emphasized considers present conditions unfavorable alleging current falsification electoral lists, continue Rightist terror and communication difficulties. Expressed doubt Voulgaris Government able restore suitable conditions, claiming Prime Minister’s good intentions frustrated by “invisible Government” of “X” and other Rightist organizations. Stressed methods of holding elections “even more important” than elections themselves. Argued at length for proportional system, pointing out majority system likely result in Republican, Royalist chamber and bourgeois coalition government to complete exclusion Left which considers unhealthy. Faced such possibility younger voters untrained democratic process likely join Communists creating unmanageable unrepresented opposition in country. On other hand, proportional system would bring Communists into Parliament where feels his party “would know how to disarm them” by adopting best parts their social economic program. Expect see Kaphandaris,35 Tsougelos [Tsouderos?]36 possibly Monday.

  1. George Kaphandaris, long-time Republican, briefly Prime Minister in 1924, several times Minister of Finance, leader of the Progressive Party.
  2. Emmanuel J. Tsouderos, Greek Prime Minister from April 1941 to April 1944.