868.00/10–545: Telegram

The Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

1124. My telegram 1121 October 4. The Executive Committee Populist Party assured me today willing collaborate other parties for establishment stable government and said already established basis agreement with former Liberals Papandreou, Gonatas, Alexandris. Said EAM statement thousands fear register untrue and claimed registration certain top 193634 figures. Regard all arguments postponement final registration date untenable and due same motives causing demand postponement elections namely fear Royalist victory. Urged early fixing election date as certain help ease popular tension which said likely cause incidents. Made much of willingness expressed to Prime Minister see pre-election period prolonged (their view unnecessarily) as late as January 6.

Following this interview which along expected lines was confidentially informed by Lambrinopoulos assistant to Prime Minister that election date has been fixed January 20 and will be announced tonight [Page 169] with promulgation electoral law to follow completion registration. His view also registration likely top 1936 figures. However continue believe this phase operations too important not be subject careful review and hence would again urge early arrival foreign observers. Expect see Sophoulis Liberal leader tomorrow.

  1. The last previous general election was held January 26, 1936.