890E.01/5–2045: Telegram

The Minister to Syria and Lebanon (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State

143. Leb MinForAff Pharaon handed me this morning copies of following documents as approved at meeting yesterday of Syrian President and Minister for Foreign Affairs—Acting PriMin with Lebanese President,17 PriMin and himself:

Text of identic memorandum replies made yesterday to Beynet aide-mémoire reported in my 138 May 18;

Original note addressed to me requesting that such text be transmitted to you; and,

Copy of similar note addressed to Brit Minister.

Pharaon said with obvious sincerity and satisfaction, for he had personally drafted these documents, that there had been full unanimity of views between the two delegations. He said copies of memo were being given to all United Nations representatives in Beirut. Copies of all documents will go forward by air pouch this week.18

Memo stresses efforts of local govts to maintain atmosphere favorable to negotiations for Franco Levant settlement, an atmosphere now [Page 1083] seriously troubled as result of arrivals of French troops which are described as “not only infringement on independence and sovereignty but also inadmissible pressure at hour when negotiations are envisaged”. Recent representations to French are then recapitulated, and memo ends:

“In these conditions the Lebanese Govt declares it is not in a position to negotiate under menace of armed force and, deploring that which is happening, can only refuse to accept responsibility therefor.

It must add that the aide-mémoire in its form reveals a spirit and propositions incompatible with the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon.

The Leb Govt makes on this subject, in renewing its solemn protest, the most express reserve.”

Transmitting notes to Brit Min and me review the memo, stressing points mentioned above, and end with expression of confidence that Leb Govt can count on our Govt’s sympathetic understanding and efficacious support.

In note to me there is special passage saying Govt “has followed perfectly the kindly considerate advice of the American Govt as formulated in the memo which you handed me March 7, 1945 with a view to settlement of the problems in suspense thru frank negotiations” (see my despatch 686 Mar 10, 1945).19

In conversation with Beynet yesterday evening I was disturbed to find him apparently still unimpressed with potential seriousness of security situation. He stressed that in delivery of aide-mémoire he was only obeying instructions and gave me clearly to understand that despatch of cruisers and troops and policy set forth in aide-mémoire constituted carefully considered personal policy of de Gaulle. I commented that I could not believe it would be acceptable to local govts or in fact to my own.

He answered that he understood our position having been kept informed of Caffery’s representations in Paris. He commented that I, too, was only obeying instructions and seemed to appreciate helpfulness of our counsel to local govts. Airgram follows.20

I am leaving at once for Damascus at invitation Syr MinFonAff and will report later his and Pharaon’s oral comment on situation.

Rptd to Paris as 40; paraphrases to Arab capitals.

  1. Bechara el-Khouri.
  2. Despatch 825, May 22, 1945, not printed. Copies of documents reflecting Franco-Syrian relations were transmitted by the Chargé at Damascus in despatch 293, May 24, 1945, not printed. Among these were General Beynet’s aide-mémoire of May 18 and the Syrian reply of May 20, a Syrian note of May 13 to the French Delegation General protesting the use of arms, and two Syrian notes of May 21 to the French Delegation General denouncing alleged stationing of French troops on the principal routes leading to Damascus as an encroachment on its rights and exclusive responsibility for the maintenance of security, and protesting against incidents in Aleppo. (890D.01/5–2445)
  3. Memorandum of March 7 not printed; handed also to the Syrian Minister for Foreign Affairs on March 8, pursuant to the authorization contained in telegram 42, February 24, 1945, 7 p.m., to the Minister to Syria and Lebanon, p. 1050. A copy was transmitted to the Department by Mr. Wadsworth in despatch 686, March 10, not printed.
  4. No. A–54, May 21, 1945, not printed.