
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Alling)

Subject: Possible Government Participation in Casoc39

Participants: Amir Faisal, Saudi Arabian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Amir Khalid
Shaikh Hafiz Wahba, Saudi Arabian Minister to London
Mr. Berle
Mr. Murray
Mr. Alling

Mr. Berle furnished to Amir Faisal the information contained in the attached statement regarding petroleum development in Saudi Arabia.40 He explained to the Amir that King Ibn Saud had said that whatever was agreeable to President Roosevelt was agreeable to him. The Amir smiled and said he was sure that that would be his father’s answer.


Possible Increased Production of Saudi Arabian Oil

In the interest of the prosecution of the war the Government of the United States is giving consideration to ways and means of assisting the California Arabian Standard Oil Company to construct a refinery in the vicinity of Dhahran. If this refinery is constructed it will be necessary for the United States Government to enter into a financial arrangement with the California Arabian Standard Oil Company therefor. In order to safeguard a substantial financial investment on the part of the Government, the United States Government is discussing with the California Arabian Standard Oil Company the possibility of acquiring a governmental interest in the company. These plans at present are under consideration and discussion, and no definite conclusions in regard thereto have been reached. The [Page 851] American Minister Resident at Jidda has been instructed to acquaint His Majesty King Ibn Saud with these developments.

  1. California Arabian Standard Oil Company, an American corporation.
  2. For correspondence regarding this subject, see pp. 645 ff.