125.0090F/5a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister Resident in Saudi Arabia (Moose)

55. Your 88, August 11, 10 a.m. Please request of the Saudi Arabian Government permission to open a consulate at Dhahran.

You are confidentially informed that, if the reply to your request is favorable, it is contemplated that the British Government will be asked whether any objections are entertained to the inclusion of Bahrein in the Dhahran consular district.11a

Please submit to the Department your recommendations as to area in Saudi Arabia to be included in Dhahran consular district, size of staff, availability of suitable quarters and such other related matters as may suggest themselves to you.

  1. For correspondence on the proposed establishment by the United States of a consulate at Bahrein, see vol. iii, pp. 111 ff.