867N.01/1937: Telegram

The Consul at Basra ( Fletcher ) to the Secretary of State

122. Following for Alling from Hoskins.

“Your 109.90 Am proceeding direct to Cairo by next plane due to arrive there August 29. Before you can receive airmail report from me, I fear leak of information from some Saudi Government source concerning results of my visit. Meanwhile, I have wired Moose asking if, in view of instructions in your cable, he can make sure no news is given out from any Saudi source or, if it is, to inform me in Cairo at once. In view of this possibility would it not be well for me to send you brief report by cable from Cairo which is ready to send.

In this connection I am bringing with me two aide-mémoires, one on the subject of my directive and one on Arab federation as well as a personal letter and several verbal messages for the President.

However from your telegram I am not clear whether you still wish me to return to Washington with this material as originally planned [Page 807] or whether you have some other assignment for me prior to my return. Please answer to Cairo.

Also, in view of assistance Mr. Casey91 rendered me in Cairo, it is going to be somewhat embarrassing to be there without at least giving him the answer to the main question I asked, especially if he gets from some other source the same information as am afraid might happen. Therefore your instructions on this point as well are requested.[”]

  1. August 16, p. 804.
  2. Richard G. Casey, British Minister of State Resident in the Middle East.