Memorandum by the Adviser on Political Relations (Murray)63
It is stated in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Bulletin of May 25, 1943 that Dr. Weizmann has announced the establishment in Washington of an office of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, under the direction of Dr. Nahum Goldmann in collaboration with Mr. Louis Lipsky.
It may be recalled that the Jewish Agency was established under the provisions of Article 4 of the Mandate for Palestine:
“An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.
“The Zionist organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty’s Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.”
The question now arises as to the attitude which the Department should adopt with respect to the Washington office of the Jewish [Page 788] Agency and its representatives who may call at the Department. It is believed that the answer to this question may be found in Article 4 of the Mandate, with reference to the provision therein that the Jewish Agency shall operate “subject always to the control of the Administration”. It is recommended, therefore, that no official recognition be accorded to this Washington office of the Jewish Agency, and that Dr. Goldmann, Mr. Lipsky, and any other representatives of this office be received and treated in the same manner as they have been heretofore upon the occasion of their visits to the Department to discuss matters relating to Palestine. In the event that they have anything to communicate to the Department on behalf of the Jewish Agency, it is recommended that they be informed that such communications should be transmitted to the Department through the British Embassy.
- Addressed to the Acting Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Atherton), the Adviser on Political Relations (Dunn), the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle), the Under Secretary of State (Welles), and the Secretary.↩