890F.00/83: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Appointed Minister Resident in Saudi Arabia (Moose)
19. Your 38, April 27, 8 p.m.61 The Department, of course, is reluctant to pass judgment upon any plan the Saudi Arabian Government may have in mind in giving publicity in this country to the King’s views on the Palestine question. However, if a suitable opportunity occurs and you perceive no objection to doing so, you might express doubt as to whether the plan to distribute copies of Ibn Saud’s letter of 1938 to the President in the United States is well suited to American conditions. You might suggest that the Saudi Arabian Government might find it advisable to study conditions in this country in order to reach a considered conclusion as to the best means of presenting its point of view with respect to matters with which it is concerned.
- Not printed; it referred to the intention of the Saudi Arabian Government to print for distribution in the United States Ibn Saud’s letter to President Roosevelt of November 29, 1938, Foreign Relations, 1938, vol. ii, p. 994.↩