121.67/3595: Telegram

The Chargé at Tangier (Childs) to the Secretary of State

767. My 754, May 27. Called on Castillo about other matters and he took the initiative in referring to my note.8 He said I would have a reply in a few days as soon as the authorities could obtain the version of the Spanish customs officials.

I said there were numerous witnesses of the account given by the American couriers substantiating the account I had sent him.

He said the Spanish customs officials are of a quite different social station from the Americans and that the behavior of the Spaniards was inexcusable and that I could be certain very severe sanctions would be taken against Pizzarro, chief Spanish customs official.

Castillo had evidently been greatly impressed by the account given him in my note of the shockingly discourteous treatment shown our couriers and there was no effort on his part to extenuate the affair. He assured me that the most stringent instructions were being issued which would prevent any restitution [repetition] and that he would let me have copies of the instructions.

Repeated to Madrid, Algiers, Casablanca for General Clark and Rabat.

  1. Not printed; the substance is given in the Chargé’s telegram No. 754, supra.