
The Secretary of State to the Lend Lease Administrator (Stettinius)

My Dear Mr. Stettinius: I enclose for your information a copy of a letter which the Department addressed to the President under date of September 4, 1943,28a regarding the proposed construction of a port in Liberia, and a copy of the President’s reply, dated September 14, 1943,29 in which the President states that allocation of Lend-Lease funds for the project within the general limitation outlined in the Departments’s letter is authorized.

Mr. Walter F. Walker, the Liberian Consul General in New York, is being requested by the Department to consult with the Office of Lend-Lease Administration with regard to procedure in filing a requisition for funds for the port project.

[Page 687]

A draft of a proposed agreement between the Liberian Government and the Government of the United States with respect to the construction and operation of the port is being prepared by the Department and will be transmitted to you shortly for such suggestions and comments as the Office of Lend-Lease Adminstration may care to offer.

Sincerely yours,

Cordell Hull
  1. Ante, p. 685.
  2. Supra.