Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to President Roosevelt
As you know, the situation in Iran is critical. I think it would be desirable, in certain contingencies, to make use of Brigadier General Patrick Hurley for a short period on special mission at Tehran. I believe that General Hurley should go as your Personal Representative with the rank of Ambassador. In as much as there are already two American Major Generals in Iran, it would seem essential that General Hurley have equal rank.
General Hurley, who is persona grata to the Russians, could help in bringing about greater coordination with them and could also help to coordinate the activities of our own agencies.
Our Minister at Tehran, Mr. Louis Dreyfus, is planning in the near future to come home on sorely needed leave. It is our thought that General Hurley might stay in Tehran during the time that Mr. Dreyfus is away, but it would not be necessary for the General to assume actual charge of our Mission.
May I have an indication whether you approve this proposal?40
- Returned by President Roosevelt with notation: “ERS OK FDR.”↩