862.20290H/9: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Afghanistan (Engert)
68. Your 117, June 8. Simultaneously with the despatch of the Department’s 63 of June 5 to Kabul a telegram was despatched to the Embassy at London outlining the attitude of this Government and authorizing the Embassy, in its discretion, to make known that attitude to the Foreign Office. A telegram has now been received from London54 stating that the Foreign Office was informed in the premises and transmitting the text of an aide-mémoire received from the Foreign Office. It is stated in the latter document that the British Government has no present intention of demanding the expulsion of the Axis legations and, with regard to the proposed reduction of staffs, that the British Government, being fully aware of the difficulties with which the Afghan Government has to contend, has done no more than to advise the Government of Afghanistan in its own self interest to reduce those staffs. It is further indicated that there is reason to believe that the Afghan Government will take satisfactory measures to control the activities of Axis agents in its territory as a result of the démarche already made and without the taking of steps by the British and Soviet Governments with which this Government could not associate itself. Pending further instructions from the Department it is the Department’s desire therefore that you refrain from taking the action outlined in the Department’s instruction of June 5.55 You should, however, keep the Department fully and promptly informed of any developments which may take place.