The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Iran (Dreyfus)
Sir: There is enclosed herewith a copy of a memorandum43 which represents the view of the Department on the general policy to be followed by this Government with respect to Iran and which you may, accordingly, take for your guidance in this connection. The Department would be glad to have any observations you may care to make, in the light of your knowledge of conditions on the spot, regarding the practicability of putting into effect the line of policy laid down in this memorandum. You are also requested to suggest, from time to time, whatever measures may seem to you likely to be effective in attaining the objective set forth, namely, the development, with American assistance, of a stable Iranian Government and a strong Iranian economy.
In working toward this objective, the Department considers it essential to avoid any appearance of conflict with Great Britain or the Soviet Union, and it is believed the safeguarding of legitimate British and Russian economic interests in Iran is a requisite for the success of our efforts.
Very truly yours,