
The British Embassy to the Department of State 83


The Government of India have received notification of the appointments of a number of American officials to India. It is not very clear to the Government of India or to the United Kingdom Government how American official representation in India is organised and to whom these newly notified officials are responsible. Representatives of the Board of Economic Warfare and the Office of War Information have variously been reported as responsible to the United States Mission at New Delhi and to General Stilwell.84

The United Kingdom Government and the Government of India would welcome an over-all picture of United States representation in India. In particular they would be grateful for an answer to the following questions:—

What is the relationship of General Stilwell to the United States Mission? It has been suggested to His Majesty’s Government that General Stilwell is technically in charge of the Mission.
What are the functions of Mr. John Davies as Political Adviser to General Stilwell, and what is his relationship to the Mission?
Will Mr. Merrell continue to be head of the Mission?
If the representatives in India of the Office of Strategic Services, the Office of War Information, the Board of Economic Warfare and the Federal Communications Commission are under General Stilwell, as has been suggested, how do they stand in relation to the Mission? Do they, for instance, have a dual role, i. e. insofar as they deal with direct or “combat” intelligence of all kinds would they be under General Stilwell, and in respect of other functions under the Mission?

  1. Handed on August 18 by the British Chargé (Campbell) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle).
  2. Lt. Gen. Joseph W. Stillwell, Commanding General, U. S. Forces in India.