868.01/378: Telegram

The Ambassador to the Greek Government in Exile (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

Greek Series 45. My Greek Series 44, August 19, 4 p.m. Exindaris,35 the four representatives of EAM the representatives of the guerrilla bands EKKA36 and EDES and Kanellopoulos have signed declaration to Prime Minister Tsouderos dated August 17th, declaring that in the interests of national unity which alone can secure the success of national struggle and the normal development of the political life of the country, it is necessary that authoritative statement be made that King will not return to Greece until people have expressed will as regards form of regime.

Signatories add that as representatives of greatest portion of Greek public opinion they have believed it advisable to convey to the Prime Minister and through him to the members of the Council of Ministers their complete agreement in this matter.

This document was discussed by the Greek Cabinet yesterday evening and the discussions marked the prevailing opposition attitude on the part of the Vice Premier37 together with the Ministers of War,38 Navy39 and Aviation.40 Although the crisis continues the opinion prevails that matters will remain in suspense pending the replies to the King’s messages to the President and Churchill which it has been suggested may be subject to a certain delay owing to the present conference at Quebec.

  1. George Exindaris, former Deputy and Minister of Agriculture in the Greek Government before World War II, accompanied the delegation from occupied Greece as a representative of certain prewar political parties.
  2. Ethnike Kai Koikonike Apeleftherosis, National and Social Liberation,
  3. George Roussos.
  4. Byron Karapanayiotis.
  5. Sophocles Venizelos.
  6. Rear Adm. Petros Voulgaris.