868.00/1193: Telegram
The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 13—5:53 p.m.]
505. My 493, March 12, 10 a.m.6 Office of Minister of State7 advises that Greek Army crisis has impelled King of Greece to advance date of coming here and now expected imminently. In meantime British are exerting every effort to prevent publication of news of troubles at least until King arrived and it has been suggested that it would be helpful if American authorities could also assist in stopping publicity on matter. Same source adds that British Ambassador to Greece in London8 will be transferred here coincidental with installation of Greek Government in Cairo and that thereafter Greek affairs here will be handled by Ambassador rather than Minister of State. I shall of course be in personal contact with the King after his arrival.
- Not printed.↩
- The Minister of State was the representative of the British War Cabinet in the Middle East, with Cabinet rank. His duties included political guidance to the Commander in Chief in the Middle East and he was generally responsible for the conduct of political affairs in the area resulting from the war. The incumbent at this time was Richard G. Casey.↩
- Reginald W. Allen Leeper was appointed British Ambassador to the Greek Government in Exile on March 11.↩