890E.00/339: Telegram

The American Representative to the French Committee of National Liberation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

298. The following is a translation of the more important parts of a press interview given by General Catroux to France Afrique on his return from the Near East:

In the Levant as in all other parts of the world where France once sent her soldiers, her administrators, and her scholars, France continues to exist. In line with the spirit and the terms of her mission she has just resigned in favor of the Syrian and Lebanese Governments certain powers of legislation and regulation that she was exercising in their name by virtue of the common interests of the two states. The Governments thus become responsible for the governmental services, in which, moreover, they will maintain the French personnel now on duty, granting to them the necessary guarantees.

France keeps under her sole authority …68 the command of native troops … to insure the security of the two countries … the war [Page 1056] situation prevents any change in this respect until the end of hostilities.

In a word, while awaiting a general settlement, France and the states of the Levant have established their relationship temporarily on the basis of a modus vivendi which takes into account the rights, obligations and interests of the two parties and which is conceived in a spirit of close and traditional friendship.

Sent to the Department, repeat [ed] to Beirut and Cairo.

  1. Omissions indicated in original telegram.