J. C. S. Files

Note by the Secretaries of the Combined Chiefs of Staff1

C.C.S. 232/1

Agreed Essentials in the Conduct of the War

Reference: a. C.C.S. 85th Meeting, Item 2a (1)

Of the following items, all except those in the split columns have been agreed upon by the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Those in the split columns have not so far been agreed upon but are subject to further consideration.

1. overall objective of the united nations

The overall objective of the United Nations is:

In conjunction with Russia and other allies to bring about at the earliest possible date, the unconditional surrender of the Axis Powers.

2. overall strategic concept for the prosecution of the war

a. In cooperation with Russia and other allies to bring about at the [Page 232] earliest possible date the unconditional surrender of the Axis in Europe.

Proposed by C.P.S. Amendment Proposed by British Chiefs of Staff
b. Simultaneously, in cooperation with other Pacific Powers concerned, to maintain and extend unremitting pressure against Japan with the purpose of continually reducing her military power and attaining positions from which her ultimate surrender can be forced. Alter to read:
“To maintain, and so far as is consistent with a above, to extend …”

c. Upon the defeat of the Axis in Europe, in cooperation with other Pacific Powers and, if possible, with Russia to direct the full resources of the United States and Great Britain to bring about at the earliest possible date the unconditional surrender of Japan.

3. established undertakings in support of the overall strategic concept

Whatever operations are decided on in support of the overall strategic concept, the following established undertakings will be a first charge against our resources, subject to review by the Combined Chiefs of Staff in keeping with the changing situation.

a. Maintain the security and warmaking capacity of the Western Hemisphere and British Isles.

Proposed by C.P.S. Amendment Proposed by British Chiefs of Staff
b. Support and maintain the warmaking capacity of our forces in all areas to which committed. Omit.

c. Maintain vital overseas lines of communication, with particular emphasis on the defeat of the U–boat menace.

proposed by C.P.S. Amendments Proposed by British Chiefs of Staff
d. Intensify the air offensive from the United Kingdom and concentrate maximum resources in a selected area as early as practicable for the purpose of conducting a decisive invasion of the Axis citadel. Re-letter as c and amend to read:
“Intensify the air offensive against the Axis Powers in Europe.”
Add new paragraph:
d. Take all necessary and practicable measures to draw land and air forces from the Russian front.”
[Page 233]

e. Sustain the Soviet Forces by the greatest volume of munitions that can be supplied and transported to Russia without militating against the attainment of the overall objectives.

Proposed by C.P.S. Amendment Proposed by British Chiefs of Staff
f. Undertake such measures as may be necessary to provide China with a volume of supplies sufficient to keep China actively in the war against Japan. Amend to read:
f. Undertake such measures as may be necessary and practicable in order to keep China actively in the war against Japan.”
H. Redman
J. R. Deane

Combined Secretariat
  1. This paper is an amended version of C.C.S. 232, May 16, 1943, not printed, and was prepared at the direction of the Combined Chiefs of Staff to show the items of agreement and disagreement. For the discussion of C.C.S. 232 by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at their meeting on May 17, 1943, see ante, p. 93; see also the record of the Combined Chiefs of Staff meeting of May 18, 1943, ante, p. 98. At their meeting on May 19, the Combined Chiefs of Staff deferred further consideration of C.C.S. 232/1; see ante, p. 111. The final decisions with regard to this paper are contained in C.C.S. 242/6, May 25, 1943, “Final Report to the President and Prime Minister”, post, p. 364.