J.C.S. Files

Note by the Secretaries of the Combined Chiefs of Staff1

C.C.S. 190/7

Planning for the Handling of Civil Affairs in Enemy Occupied Areas Which May Become Theaters of Operations

The Combined Civil Affairs Committee has approved a proposed revised wording of paragraph 6 of C.C.S. 190/6/D2 as set forth below, and submits it herewith to the Combined Chiefs of Staff for their approval:

“6. When an enemy occupied territory of the United States, the United Kingdom or one of the Dominions is to be recovered as the result of an operation combined or otherwise, the directive to be given the Force Commander concerned will include the policies to be followed in the handling of civil affairs as formulated by the government which exercised authority over the territory before enemy occupation. If paramount military requirements as determined by Force Commander necessitate a departure from those policies he will take action and report through the Chiefs of Staff to the Combined Chiefs of Staff.”

H. Redman
J. R. Deane

Combined Secretariat
  1. For the action taken on this paper at the 117th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, September 3, 1943, see ante, p. 1204.
  2. “Charter, Combined Civil Affairs Committee”, July 3, 1943; not printed.