740.00119 EW/8–2643: Telegram
The British Foreign Office to the British Ambassador in Portugal (Campbell)1
You should communicate comprehensive text to General Z. with the explanation that it embodies both the short terms given General C. and political and economic terms which General G. was warned to expect2 (see Article 12 of short terms). You should tell him that these are the terms which General Eisenhower will present to any Italian emissary who presents himself in the event of the Italian Government deciding to surrender. It should be pointed out to him that it would obviously be more convenient that surrender should take the form of signature straight away of this comprehensive document rather than signature at different times of the two documents, i.e., the short [Page 1181] terms communicated to General C. and at a later date the comprehensive document.3
- Printed from a copy made available to the Department of State by the British Embassy at Washington.↩
- See ante, p. 566.↩
- In accordance with these instructions, Campbell gave Zanussi the text of the “long” or “comprehensive” terms of surrender on the morning of August 27, 1943. See Garland and Smyth, p. 461.↩