Roosevelt Papers
The Presidents Log
When the President and the Prime Minister parted in Washington in May 1943, they agreed to meet together in the late summer to discuss again the leading military and diplomatic problems of their allied nations. They had long hoped to meet with Marshal Stalin and they wished that the next meeting might find him a partner in discussion. For some weeks this hope dominated their plans, but when it seemed more feasible for the President to meet Premier Stalin in private conference, without Mr. Churchill, plans were laid for a later assembly of the British and American Leaders and their staffs to follow the proposed Russo-American meeting.
Late in June the President recommended to the Prime Minister that this Anglo-American Conference be held in Quebec, a happier place in summer than Washington. Quebec offered the advantages of a delightful climate and appropriate and comfortable quarters at the historic Citadel and the Château Frontenac. By mid-July when it seemed likely that Marshal Stalin would be unable to leave his armies, even briefly, during their first summer offensive, the President suggested to Mr. Churchill that time would be ripe for their conference around the first of September.
[Page 836]The very rapid changes on the several fronts and, in particular, the overwhelming success of the Sicilian campaign made it imperative to hold the meeting earlier. The degeneration of Italian resistance and the possibility of complete Italian collapse, greatly increased by the unexpected fall of Mussolini on July 25th, gave birth to new problems only faintly foreseen in the spring. As Mr. Churchill said, “We shall need to meet together to settle the larger issues which the brilliant victories of our forces have thrust upon us about Italy as a whole.” The Prime Minister pressed for a very early date in August but the President replied that he would be unable to arrive in Quebec earlier than August 17th.
The agenda for the conference embodied world-wide strategy with a principal object of eliminating Italy quickly from the war. The scope of discussion demanded that the Staffs assemble early to begin their talks and on military grounds it was highly desirable for them to be in contact as soon as possible. The United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, therefore, accompanied by a large number of military and naval experts, traveled ahead of the President to meet their opposite numbers of the British Staff and meetings began in the Château Frontenac on August 11th2 when the Quadrant Conference was formally opened. “ Quadrant ” was the code name chosen by Mr. Churchill late in July for security reasons in discussing the arrangements by despatch and the word was quickly adopted as a formal name for the Sixth Wax Meeting between the Prime Minister and Mr. Roosevelt.3
While exploratory conversations were underway in Quebec, the Prime Minister and the President met in Hyde Park. Mr. Churchill left Quebec with his daughter and Aide, Subaltern Mary Churchill, shortly after his arrival and proceeded via Niagara Falls where he amused newspaper men by his comments that the principle of Niagara was about the same as thirty years ago. He arrived in Hyde Park on Thursday, August 12th, and returned to Quebec the following Saturday. The President then went to Washington for last minute conferences with his advisors before proceeding to Quebec.
The log of the trip follows.
[Page 837]The Log
Monday, August 16th
President Roosevelt and his party left Washington, by rail, at 8:20 p.m. for Quebec, P.Q., Canada, where he was scheduled to meet the Right Honorable Winston L. [S.] Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, for their Sixth War Conference. Our departure was delayed for 20 minutes because of the exceedingly full day put in by the President, extending him to the limit. The President had just returned to Washington at 7:40 a.m. from Hyde Park where he had held important preliminary discussions with the Prime Minister.
Our route to Quebec was as follows: Over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad system to Claremont, N.J.; thence via the New York Central (West Shore line) to Albany, N.Y. At Albany we were to be taken over by the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, over whose scenic route we were to travel to Montreal. From Montreal to Quebec the facilities of the Canadian Pacific Railroad were to be used.
Tuesday, August 17th
We crossed the International Border into Canada at Rouses Point, N.Y., at 12:30 p.m. At 1:00 p.m. we made a brief stop at Delson, Quebec, to embark the following members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who accompanied the President’s party to Quebec: Assistant Commissioner Kemp, Corporal G. M. Glanville, Constables R. W. Storie, A. R. Nelson, and J. L. Raymond. Corporal Glanville and Constables Storie and Raymond were old friends to us as they had been with us during the President’s fishing trip to McGregor Bay, Ontario, a few weeks previous.
Our next stop was at 1:30 p.m., when we made a brief operating stop at the Park Avenue station in Montreal. A fair sized crowd of curious people gathered outside the station to see what was happening, attracted, no doubt, by the very strict precautions imposed by the Canadian authorities to insure the President’s safety, and the presence of so many of our burly (as the Canadian press described them) Secret Service operatives. However, Fala’s appearance on the station platform for a limbering up seemed to dispel most of their doubts as to who Canada’s distinguished visitor was.
The Quadrant Conference had officially convened at Quebec on August 11th. Major General T. T. Handy, U.S.A., had been in attendance there since the opening and had come to Washington by air Monday, August 16th, to accompany the President to Quebec. During the day he informed the President of the progress of the conference discussions to date.
[Page 838]Today was Mr. Hopkins’ birthday and he observed it by treating members of the party to “Old Fashion[ed]s.”
After a very pleasant trip from Washington, we arrived in Quebec at 6:00 p.m., exactly on schedule. Our train was parked at the Wolfe’s Cove station, on the banks of the majestic St. Lawrence about two miles by auto from the Citadel, Canada’s historic fortress.
The President was met at the train by the Governor-General of Canada (The Earl of Athlone), the Prime Minister of Great Britain (The Right Honorable Winston L. [S.] Churchill), the Prime Minister of Canada (The Right Honorable W. L. Mackenzie King), the Canadian Minister to the United States (Honorable Leighton McCarthy); Admiral William D. Leahy, U.S.N. (President Roosevelt’s Chief of Staff); Mr. W. Averell Harriman (Lend-Lease Coordinator in London for Combined Production and Resources Board), and Mr. Lewis W. Douglas (Deputy U.S. War Shipping Administrator).4 As the President walked from his train he was greeted with enthusiastic and resounding cheers by the crowd gathered at Wolfe’s Cove. He acknowledged these greetings with his characteristic smile and wave.
For the drive to the Citadel the President was accompanied by the Governor-General. The party was driven directly to the Citadel where honors were rendered by a combined honor guard composed of units of the Royal Marines (members of Mr. Churchill’s guard who accompanied him from England), the Royal Canadian Army, Navy, and Air Force, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police band from Ottawa. As our national anthem was being played the Stars and Stripes was hoisted to the peak on a third flagpole alongside and to the left of the British and Canadian colors. This was the first time these three flags had ever flown together over this famous fortress.
After honors, the combined Roosevelt–Churchill–King party posed for the army of photographers who had been waiting for some hours for what had been described to them as a “very special occasion.” Then the President and Prime Minister Churchill retired to the Governor-General’s summer residence, within the Citadel compound, where they were to reside during their stay in Quebec by special invitation of King George VI. The Governor-General and his wife, Her Royal Highness Princess Alice, who had come from Ottawa for the day, maintained quarters in their private railroad car. Mr. Harry Hopkins, Admiral Leahy and Rear Admiral Brown occupied quarters at the Governor-General’s summer residence in the Citadel. All other members [Page 839] of our party were quartered at the Château Frontenac, Quebec’s world famous hostelry, as the guests of the Canadian Government. Here also were quartered all other members of the Canadian-British-American Quadrant Conference party. The Château, having been taken over by the Canadian Government, was closed to the general public during the conference. Here was the official conference headquarters and it was at the Château that the various Staffs met daily for their momentous conferences. Plenary reports by the Combined Chiefs of Staff were made to the President and the Prime Minister at the Citadel as occasion demanded.
Lieutenant Colonel Chester Hammond, U.S.A., assisted by Captain Ogden Kniffin, A.U.S., Lieutenant (junior grade) George M. Elsey, U.S.N.R., and Warrant Officer (junior grade) Albert M. Cornelius, U.S.A., who had come to Quebec earlier to establish a map room in the Citadel for the President, were standing by [in] the President’s map room on his arrival at the Citadel to acquaint him with all the latest developments of the war. War reports had been radioed to the train during our trip up from Washington, but a more complete picture was available here for the President. The Prime Minister had his own map room in another part of the Citadel. His staff had arrived a week earlier than Lieutenant Colonel Hammond.
Major DeWitt Greer, Signal Corps, U.S.A., who had also preceded the President’s party to Quebec, had the communications set-up functioning perfectly on our arrival, so that the President was never out of instantaneous communication with Washington. At the Citadel we had our own telephone exchange, called Amco . At the Château the U.S. Army maintained a private exchange, called Bosco . Both exchanges had direct wire service to Washington and the White House. Direct telegraph wire service was available between the Citadel and the White House.
At 6:30 p.m. the Governor-General entertained at a small reception in honor of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill.5
At 8:30 p.m., the Governor-General and Her Royal Highness Princess Alice were hosts at a dinner in honor of Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt. Both the reception and the dinner were held at the Governor-General’s summer residence in the Citadel.6
[Page 840]After dinner the President held discussions with the Prime Minister until a late hour.7
Wednesday, August 18th
During the forenoon the President saw General George C. Marshall, U.S.A., Admiral William D. Leahy, U.S.N., Rear Admiral Wilson Brown, U.S.N., Brigadier General A. C. Wedemeyer, U.S.A., Mr. Harry Hopkins, and Mr. Stephen T. Early, at different times, for discussions.8
The President was a guest at luncheon at the Citadel at 1:30 p.m. There were approximately 25 other guests including Prime Minister Churchill.9 The Governor-General and Princess Alice were again the hosts. Their original plans to return to Ottawa yesterday evening had been altered to permit them to remain in Quebec to give this luncheon. After the luncheon, a very large group of photographers took pictures of the party, which included the Governor-General, Princess Alice, the President, Mr. Churchill, Mr. King, the Combined British and American Chiefs of Staff, and various members of the Churchill and Mackenzie King families. The battlements of the ancient Citadel, the harbor, and distant views of the city of Quebec were used as background for the pictures taken.
Shortly after luncheon, Mr. Anthony Eden, British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Brendan Bracken, British Minister of Information, and Sir Alexander Cadogan, British Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, arrived from England via clipper and were received at the Citadel.
During the afternoon the President saw Major General Handy and Mr. Harry Hopkins.10 Prime Minister Churchill accompanied Wing Commander G. P. Gibson, R.A.F. (the “dam buster”) and Brigadier Wingate (British Army) for separate interviews with the President,11
The President, this afternoon, sent a personally worded message of congratulations to General Eisenhower and his forces for their fine accomplishments in Sicily.
At 8:30 p.m. the President attended a dinner at the Citadel given by Mr. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada. The guests included Prime Minister and Mrs. Churchill; Subaltern Mary Churchill; the Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, Sir Eugene Fiset, and Lady Fiset; Cardinal Villeneuve; the Lord Bishop of Quebec and Mrs. Carrington; the Premier of Quebec, Honorable Adélard Godbout, and Mrs. Godbout; Honorable Leighton McCarthy, the Canadian Minister [Page 841] to the United States; Mr. Ray Atherton, the United States Minister to Canada; the Right Honorable Anthony Eden, British Foreign Minister; the Right Honorable Brendan Bracken, British Minister of Information; Justice Minister St. Laurent (Canada) and Mrs. St. Laurent; the Right Honorable Malcolm MacDonald, British High Commissioner to Canada; Miss Sheila MacDonald, Malcolm Mac-Donald’s sister; Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Chairman, United Nations Munitions Assignment Board; Mr. W. Averell Harriman, of the Lend-Lease Administration; Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of Staff to President Roosevelt; Field Marshal Sir John Dill, head of the British Chiefs of Staff Mission in Washington; General Sir Alan Brooke, Chief of the Imperial General Staff; General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound, Chief of the British Naval Staff; Admiral Ernest J. King, Chief of the U.S. Naval Staff; General H. H. Arnold, Commanding General, U.S. Army Air Forces; Air Marshal Sir Charles Portal, Chief of the British Air Staff; Vice Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Chief of Combined Operations; Lieutenant General Sir Hastings Ismay, Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Churchill; Rear Admiral Wilson Brown, Naval Aide to President Roosevelt; Lord Moran, the Prime Minister’s physician; Sir Alexander Cadogan, British Permanent Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs; Mr. Norman Roberston, Canadian Undersecretary of State for External Affairs; Mr. Stephen T. Early, President Roosevelt’s Press Secretary; Mr. D. C. Coleman, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway; Mr. R. C. Vaughan, president of the Canadian National Railways, and Mrs. Vaughan; Mr. J. W. McConnell, publisher of the Montreal Star, and Mrs. McConnell; Brigadier Edmond Blais, District Officer Commanding Military District No. 5 (Quebec), and Mrs. Blais; Lieutenant Colonel L. Patenaude, governor of the Citadel; and Colonel Willis-O’Connor, principal aide-de-camp to the Governor-General.12
After dinner the President had discussions with Prime Minister Churchill until another late retiring.13
The President announced today that he would visit Ottawa next Wednesday after the close of the Quebec Conference.
Thursday, August 19th
During the forenoon the President saw General H. H. Arnold and various members of General Arnold’s staff, Mr. Harry Hopkins, Mr. [Page 842] Stephen T. Early, and Rear Admiral Wilson Brown for discussions.14
The President attended a luncheon on the terrace of the Citadel at 1:30 p.m. Others attending were Prime Minister Churchill, Mr. Anthony Eden, Mr. Harry Hopkins, Mr. Averell Harriman, and Mr. Ray Atherton.15
During the afternoon the President held discussions with Prime Minister Churchill,16 and, at 5:30 p.m., the Combined British and American Chiefs of Staff came to the Citadel to hold a plenary session with the President and Prime Minister Churchill.17 The Combined Chiefs of Staff reported the results of their conferences to date and their schedule for future meetings. The President and the Prime Minister made informal comments about some of the decisions reached and outlined various measures that they wished to have studied and made the subject of further reports. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. with the agreement that the President and the Prime Minister would be notified when the Combined Staffs are ready for further discussions with the Heads of State.
At 9:30 p.m. the President had dinner at the Citadel with the Churchill family and Mr. Harry Hopkins. After dinner he and the Prime Minister were again closeted for several hours of discussions before he retired.18
Friday, August 20th
Their work caught up for the moment, the President and the Prime Minister observed today as a holiday. At 10:20 a.m. a party consisting of President Roosevelt, Prime Minister and Mrs. Churchill, Commander C. R. Thompson, R.N., Mr. Harry Hopkins, Mr. Averell Harriman, and Rear Admiral Wilson Brown left the Citadel by auto for Lac de l’Épaule for a fishing and picnic party. Lac de l’Épaule was selected for fishing because of its nearness to the city (Quebec) rather than for its known quality of fishing. It is a beautiful little lake, surrounded by hills, in a portion of the Quebec Park System. A very comfortable lodge is maintained. The air was cool and stimulating and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The trout caught were very small but the entire party brought home 50 or more. All fishing was done with a wet fly from small rowboats. The expedition provided a very pleasant break in the routine of conferences and, at the same time, enabled the President and the Prime Minister to discuss many details during the drive to and from the fishing grounds.19
[Page 843]The Honorable Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, and Mr. James Dunn, political advisor to Mr. Hull, arrived in Quebec at 1:30 p.m., from Washington.
At 9:30 p.m. the President had dinner at the Citadel. Other diners were Prime Minister and Mrs. Churchill, Mr. Cordell Hull, Mr. Anthony Eden, and Mr. Harry Hopkins.20
The President and the Prime Minister held their usual lengthy discussions after dinner and both retired very late.20
Saturday, August 21st
During the forenoon the President saw Mr. Stephen T. Early, Major General A. D. Surles, U.S.A., Rear Admiral Wilson Brown, U.S.N., and Captain Leland P. Lovette, U.S.N., for discussions.21 He approved the joint Roosevelt–Mackenzie King press release concerning our re-occupation of Kiska in the Aleutians.22 He also conferred with various members of the American delegation to the Conference during the forenoon.23
Mr. Lewis W. Douglas and Lord Leathers, British Minister of Transport, had luncheon with the combined Roosevelt–Churchill party (President Roosevelt, Prime Minister and Mrs. Churchill, and Subaltern Mary Churchill.)24
During the afternoon the President, accompanied by the Right Honorable Malcolm MacDonald and his sister, Miss Sheila MacDonald, visited nearby Montmorency Falls and then returned to the Citadel for tea.25
The President and the Prime Minister had a long talk before dinner.26 Rear Admiral Ross T. McIntire, (MC), U.S.N., President Roosevelt’s personal physician, who arrived from Washington this afternoon, was the only guest outside the household for dinner this evening.27 After dinner Mr. Anthony Eden and Prime Minister Mackenzie King joined the President and Prime Minister Churchill and discussed affairs of state until a late hour.28
[Page 844]Sunday, August 22nd
During the forenoon the President and Miss Tully worked on his correspondence.
Honorable Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War, and Dr. T. V. Soong, Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, arrived in Quebec this forenoon.29
Secretary Stimson came to lunch with the President at the Citadel. Others present for lunch were Prime Minister and Mrs. Churchill, and the Churchill household including Colonel [Willis-] O’Connor.30
At 2:45 p.m. the President left the Citadel by auto for a drive around the Isle d’Orléans. At the end of the drive he stopped at the residence of Mrs. Charles Porteous, whose daughter had been a former patient at Warm Springs. The President returned to the Citadel at 5:45 p.m., at which time he had a conference with Secretary Hull and Mr. Eden until 7:30 p.m. This conference was resumed between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m.31
The President dined with the Churchill family from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.,32 and held further conferences with the Prime Minister from 11:00 to 12:00 p.m.33
[Page 845]Monday, August 23rd
During the forenoon the President received Secretary Cordell Hull, Mr. James Dunn, Mr. Norman Robertson, Mr. Stephen T. Early, and Rear Admiral Wilson Brown.34
At 1:30 p.m. the President had lunch with the Prime Minister, Dr. T. V. Soong, and Mr. Harry Hopkins.35
Honorable Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy, arrived in Quebec at 1:30 p.m. Later in the afternoon he called on the President at the Citadel.36
At 5:30 p.m. the President and Prime Minister Churchill met again with the Combined British and American Chiefs of Staff to receive their reports on the conference.37 The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The President had a half-hour talk with Vice Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten38 before the conference with the Combined Chiefs of Staff.
The dinner party this evening at the Citadel included the President, Prime Minister and Mrs. Churchill, Secretary Frank Knox, Mr. Anthony Eden, Mr. Harry Hopkins, Mr. Stephen T. Early, and Mr. Brendan Bracken.39
Mr. Cordell Hull and Mr. James Dunn returned to the Citadel for further conferences with the President and the Prime Minister at 10:00 p.m.40
Tuesday, August 24th
Today marked the official close of the Quebec Conference.
During the forenoon Archdeacon (“Canon”) F. G. Scott, an old friend of Mr. Churchill’s, accompanied by Prime Minister Mackenzie King, called on the President for a brief talk.41
At noon a joint press conference was held by the President and Prime Minister Churchill. They were introduced to the press by Prime Minister Mackenzie King.42 The President and Prime Minister Churchill issued the following joint statement to the press:
[Here follows, with minor editorial changes, the text of the Communiqué printed post, p. 1157.]
[Page 846]The luncheon party at the Citadel today included President Roosevelt, Prime Minister and Mrs. Churchill, Subaltern Mary Churchill, Mr. Anthony Eden, Mr. Harry Hopkins, and Prime Minister Mackenzie King.43
During the afternoon General George C. Marshall called on the President.44 The President and Miss Tully spent the greater part of the afternoon and evening until dinner working on his speech to be delivered tomorrow at noon before the Houses of Parliament at Ottawa.
For dinner this evening the President and the Prime Minister had as their guests Lieutenant General Sir Hastings Ismay, Mr. Harry Hopkins, Mr. Averell Harriman, Admiral William D. Leahy, Rear Admiral Wilson Brown, and Miss Grace Tully.45
At 10:30 p.m. the President and his party (Admiral Leahy, Rear Admiral Brown, Mr. Harry Hopkins, and Miss Grace Tully) left the Citadel to board his special train for Ottawa and home. Prime Minister Churchill accompanied the President to the train.
The President’s special train departed Quebec (Wolfe’s Cove) at 11:00 p.m. for Ottawa, over the facilities of the Canadian National Railways. The “ Quadrant Special”, returning the American conferees and their staffs to Washington, had departed Quebec an hour earlier.
Wednesday, August 25th
Our train arrived in Ottawa (Deep Cut station) at 11:25 a.m., coming from Quebec via Montreal. The weather at Ottawa at the time of our arrival can best be described as perfect. It had not been so for the past few days and this had been the cause of much concern to the people of Ottawa. The President was met at the Deep Cut station and welcomed to Ottawa by the Governor-General of Canada, Mayor Stanley Lewis of Ottawa, and Mr. Ray Atherton, United States Minister to Canada. As the President walked from his train, accompanied by the Governor-General, he was acclaimed by the crowd that had gathered at Deep Cut. He entered the Governor-General’s car for the drive to Parliament Hill over a route which took him via Echo Drive, Pretoria Bridges, the Federal District Parkway, the National War Memorial, and through the East Gate to Parliament Hill.
After entering the East Gate to Parliament Hill, the Governor-General’s car paused while the honors were rendered for the President by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police band and a combined guard of honor (composed of units of the Canadian Army, Navy, Air Force, Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service, and Women’s Canadian [Page 847] Army Corps). It was estimated that there was a crowd of approximately 30,000 people on hand at Parliament Hill and its vicinity to welcome President Roosevelt and to hear his address. This was said to be the largest crowd ever to welcome a distinguished visitor to Ottawa, even exceeding the welcome accorded King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
After honors, the President proceeded to the platform on the Peace Tower where he was officially received by the Prime Minister of Canada. Promptly at the stroke of 12:00 o’clock noon the carillon in the Peace Tower began tolling “God Save the King.” The multitude, as one, stood silently and rigidly at attention. This concluded, the President was introduced to the people of Canada by their Prime Minister, who spoke for approximately ten minutes in praise of their distinguished guest. The President responded with the following address: [For the text of this address, omitted here, see Rosenman, pp. 365–369.]
Following the President’s address, addresses of thanks to the President were made by Lieutenant Colonel the Honorable Thomas Vien, Speaker of the Senate, and the Honorable James A. Glen, Speaker of the House of Commons.
Next the carillon played the beautiful and inspiring “O Canada” to terminate the ceremonies at Parliament Hill.
The President and the official party then departed Parliament Hill via automobile and proceeded to the nearby National War Memorial. Here, while the party paused momentarily, and to the music of “Abide With Me” played by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police band, Rear Admiral Wilson Brown, President Roosevelt’s Naval Aide, laid a wreath at the foot of the Memorial on behalf of President Roosevelt.
The party then moved on to Government House where they were luncheon guests of the Governor-General. The ladies of the party (Miss Grace Tully and Miss Louise Hachmeister) were luncheon guests of Mrs. Ray Atherton, wife of the United States Minister to Canada, as the luncheon at Government House was a stag affair. A very excellent buffet luncheon was served at the Château Laurier for members of the Secret Service detail and the American press.
After lunch the President had conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of London. The Governor-General, acting in his capacity as Chancellor of the University, made the presentation. The President was formally introduced to the Governor-General by Surgeon Captain Charles H. Best, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, a distinguished graduate of the University of London. This ceremony was held at Government House.
While at Government House the President received members of the diplomatic corps, including the chargé[s] d’affaires and the high commissioners [Page 848] to Canada. Afterwards, the President, accompanied by Prime Minister Mackenzie King, left Government House by auto for a drive about the city, passing the Canadian Government buildings, the New Supreme Court building, and thence proceeding to the Prime Minister’s country home, “Kingsmere.” While passing the United States Legation residence at Rockcliffe, the President paused long enough to receive the members of the Legation staff. From “Kings-mere” the party returned to the city, stopping at the Laurier House where they had tea with the Prime Minister. After tea the President and his party returned to the train, arriving at 6:55 p.m. It was raining as they returned to the train. We departed Ottawa for home at 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 26th
We crossed the International Border from Canada into the United States at Rouses Point, N.Y., at 1:30 a.m. Here we parted company with Inspector Poudrette, Corporal Glanville and Constables J. L. Raymond and D. G. Walker of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who had accompanied us from Quebec.
We arrived at Highland, N. Y. at 8:15 a.m. The President, Admiral Leahy, Mr. Early, Lieutenant Commander Fox, and Miss Tully, as well as members of the Secret Service and communication details, left the train here and embarked in automobiles for Hyde Park. The special train, with Mr. Hopkins, Admiral Brown, Admiral McIntire, Chief Ship’s Clerk Rigdon, Mr. Dan L. Moorman, and Sergeants Hoch and Combs, proceeded to Weehawken, arriving there at 10:30 a.m. This party then taxied to the Pennsylvania Station in New York City and embarked on the 11:30 a.m. Pennsylvania train for Washington, arriving in Washington at 3:30 p.m.
The President and members of the party who spent the week-end at Hyde Park returned to Washington by train at 7:45 a.m., Monday, August 30th.
- Members of the United States Joint Staff Planners arrived at Quebec on August 11, 1943, and began consultations with their British counterparts within the Combined Staff Planners and other supporting committees of the Combined Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Chiefs of Staff themselves arrived at Quebec on August 13, 1943, and the first meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff held at Quebec took place on August 14. See post, p. 849. The preliminary meetings of subordinate staff are outside the scope of this volume.↩
- The first five “war meetings” referred to were the Atlantic Conference of August 1941 (see Foreign Relations, 1941, vol. i, pp. 341 ff.), the First Washington Conference of December 1941–January 1942, the Second Washington Conference of June 1942, and the Casablanca Conference of January 1943 (see Foreign Relations, The Conferences at Washington, 1941–1942, and Casablanca, 1943), and the Third Washington Conference of May 1943 (see ante, pp. 24 ff.).↩
- No official record has been found of the discussion which took place at Wolfe’s Cove Station on Roosevelt’s arrival. Pickersgill, p. 547, states that when Mackenzie King met Roosevelt he spoke at once about the latter’s projected visit to Ottawa and that Roosevelt said that he would be there on August 25.↩
- No evidence has been found that matters of substance were discussed at this reception.↩
- Leahy, p. 175, notes that he, Mrs. Churchill, and Lord Moran were present at this dinner. No official record has been found of the substance of the dinner discussion. Pickersgill, p. 547, states that Roosevelt discussed with Mackenzie King the former’s travel plans upon the completion of the Quebec Conference and that the President told Mackenzie King that his plan to be in Ottawa on iVugust 25 might be announced.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 880.↩
- No record of these discussions has been found.↩
- The Leahy Diary (Leahy Papers) indicates that Leahy was among the guests. No evidence has been found that matters of substance were discussed at this luncheon.↩
- No record of Roosevelt’s discussions with Handy and Hopkins has been found.↩
- See the editorial notes, post, pp. 887, 888 ↩
- A seating plan preserved in the Leahy Papers indicates that Lord Leathers, British Minister of War Transport, and Mrs. D. C. Coleman were also present. There is no indication that any record of the discussions during dinner was prepared, but Pickersgill, pp. 548–550, reprints Mackenzie King’s detailed diary record of the toasts offered by himself, Roosevelt, and Churchill.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 888.↩
- No record of these discussions has been found.↩
- No record of the discussion during luncheon has been found.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 894.↩
- For the minutes of this meeting, see post, p. 895.↩
- No record of the discussion during or after dinner has been found.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 903.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 917.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 917.↩
- No record of these discussions has been found.↩
- Simultaneous announcement was made in Quebec and Washington on August 21, 1943, that United States and Canadian forces had landed on Kiska beginning August 15, and that the Japanese had evacuated the area. For the text of the announcement as issued in Washington (Navy release No. 459), see New York Times, August 22, 1943, p. 2.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 918.↩
- No evidence has been found that matters of substance were discussed during luncheon.↩
- No evidence has been found that Roosevelt discussed matters of substance with MacDonald.↩
- No record of the discussion during this meeting has been found.↩
- No record of the discussion during dinner has been found.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 928.↩
- Stimson records in his Diary that Mackenzie King called on him during his stay at Quebec, but the date and place are not specified. The only aspect of their conversation reflected in the Diary is reminiscences of a meeting which they had had in 1940. (Stimson Papers) On his way to Quebec Stimson had called on Manuel Quezon, President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, at Saranac Lake, New York. Quezon had suggested that Congress endorse Roosevelt’s pledge, made in a message to the people of the Philippines on December 28, 1941 (see Department of State Bulletin, vol. vi, January 3, 1942, p. 5), that their freedom would be “redeemed and their independence established and protected.” According to an entry in the Stimson Diary, Quezon was “most anxious for the pledge of protection. He now realizes that the Filipinos cannot stand alone and he is anxious to arrange for the giving of bases to the United States in the Philippines in order for us to be able to afford them that protection.” (Stimson Papers) It appears (a) that Stimson discussed with Roosevelt, at Quebec, Quezon’s desire for an act of Congress which would promise that the United States would protect the independence of the Philippines after it was granted, and (b) that after the Quebec Conference Stimson conveyed to Quezon the President’s approval of this idea (MacArthur Papers). Roosevelt sent a recommendation on this subject to the Congress on October 6, 1943, and a resolution providing for the retention or acquisition of bases “for the mutual protection of the Philippine Islands and of the United States” became law on June 29. 1944 (58 Stat. 625). For additional details on the introduction and passage of this legislation, see Richardson Dougall, “Philippine-American Relations Since 1939”, Department of State Bulletin, vol. xi, August 20, 1944, pp. 189–191.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 929.↩
- Churchill was also present at the afternoon meeting. For the minutes, which indicate that the meeting began at 5:30 p.m., see post, p. 930. No separate minutes of a 10 p.m. meeting have been found. See post, p. 930, fn. 1.↩
- No record of the discussion during dinner has been found.↩
- No record of the discussion during this meeting has been found.↩
- No record has been found of Roosevelt’s discussions with any of his morning callers.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 936.↩
- No record of the discussion during Knox’s call has been found.↩
- For the minutes of this meeting, see post, p. 942.↩
- No record of the discussion during Mountbatten’s call has been found.↩
- No record of the discussion during dinner has been found.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 953.↩
- No record has been found of the discussion during this call, which was presumably social in character.↩
- For Mackenzie King’s introductory and closing remarks, and for the informal remarks made to the press by Churchill and Roosevelt, see Rosenman, pp. 355–365.↩
- No record of the discussion during luncheon has been found.↩
- No record of the discussion during Marshall’s call has been found.↩
- See the editorial note, post, p. 965.↩