Editorial Note

The document referred to as the President’s Log is a booklet entitled “The Log of the President’s Visit to Canada, 16 August 1943 to 26 August 1943: 17–24 August—‘ Quadrant ’ Conference at Quebec; 25 August—Visit to Ottawa” (21 regularly numbered pages of text, five pages at the front bearing Roman numerals, and 20 unnumbered pages of illustrations). This booklet, which was prepared by Chief Ship’s Clerk William M. Rigdon, and approved by Bear Admiral Wilson Brown, contains a list of members of the President’s party,1 the President’s itinerary (not printed), a foreword by Lieutenant (jg) George M. Elsey, and the main body of the Log.

  1. Not printed here. See William M. Rigdon, with James Derieux, White House Sailor (Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1962), pp. 273–279.