740.0011 EW/8–243
The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall) to the Secretary of State
[Washington, August 2, 1943.]
Memorandum for Secretary Hull
Attached hereto is a draft of the essential conditions which the War Department believes should be imposed in order that Rome may be considered an open city.
I assume that you will take this matter up with the British.
G C Marshall
- A copy of these conditions, without this heading, was forwarded to Roosevelt, who was then at Birch Island, in telegram No. White 25 of August 2, 1943, by the White House Map Room (Roosevelt Papers). A copy was given to the British Embassy at Washington on the same date.↩
- In the source text, the word “primarily” has been deleted by hand and the end of the sentence changed to read: “will cease such production,” These changes were not made, however, in the text forwarded to Roosevelt.↩
- In the source text this passage has been changed by hand to read: “notify the United States and British Governments”. The text forwarded to Roosevelt read: “notify the United States and the British Government”.↩