740.0011 EW/8–243: Telegram

The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall) to the Commander in Chief, Allied Force Headquarters (Eisenhower)


4061. Reference my number 40051 and Fan 1812 regarding your plans for 1300 hours Tuesday bombing of Rome, British cabinet now agree that you should go ahead under your original instructions, that is using your own judgment as to desirability of bombing. Prime Minister personally thinks it may be a good thing at this moment. (From Marshall to Eisenhower).

We here have been unable to get approval of President due to his absence from city. In the interim, while we are endeavoring to secure President’s views, if you desire to go ahead with bombing I accept responsibility for US approval.

  1. Ante, p. 528.
  2. i.e., the message from the Combined Chiefs of Staff, ante, p. 529.