J.C.S. Files

Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff

C.C.S. 288/1

Proposed Agenda for Quadrant

The United States Chiefs of Staff have given their careful consideration to the agenda proposed by the representatives of the British Chiefs of Staff in C.C.S. 288.1 They recommend that the agenda include the following:

Conference procedure.
Consideration of: Over-all Objective, Over-all Strategic Concept, and Basic Undertakings in Support of Over-all Strategic Concept. (Similar to Sections I, II and III of C.C.S. 242/6.2)
a. Consideration of specific operations for 1943–44 in the European–Mediterranean area.
Progress and planning report on Bolero Overlord .
Progress report on Sickle Pointblank ; use of Italian air bases to extend Pointblank .
Anti-submarine warfare.
Review of approved post- Husky operations.
Employment of French forces.
Subsequent operations in the Mediterranean.
Other European operations.
Emergency invasion of the Continent in the event of an imminent German collapse.
Emergency operations in the event of a German invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.
b. Consideration of specific operations for 1943–44 in the Pacific–Asiatic area.
Appreciation and plan for the defeat of Japan, including preparation for maximum exploitation of air offensive against Japan.
Progress and planning reports on Notebook , Bullfrog and Saucy .
Progress and planning reports on Pacific operations.

c. Miscellaneous considerations.

Habbakuk .
Operation Alacrity .
Equipping of Allies, liberated forces and friendly neutrals.
Rehabilitation of occupied and liberated territories.
Decisions as to 1943–44 operations.
Availability of resources to implement specific undertakings, to include timing.
Final report to the President and the Prime Minister.
Preparation of necessary directives.

  1. Ante, p. 400.
  2. Ante, p. 364.