Hopkins Papers: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Matthews) to the Secretary of State 1


2326. Embassy has received for transmission the following message from the Prime Minister to Mr. Harry Hopkins:

  • “1. Many thanks for yours of thirtieth.2 I look for good and speedy results in Tunisia. I do trust you will give careful consideration to my proposal for a meeting. There are so many things that I want to talk over with you.
  • “2. I am much concerned at not hearing from you about Tube Alloys . That we should work separately would be a sombre decision.”3

  1. The Department of State’s copy of this telegram is filed under 841.24/1788.
  2. The message under reference has not been found, but it may be Hopkins’ telegram of March 29 to Churchill (Sherwood, p. 718) on the proposed award to MacArthur.
  3. For the earlier exchange of messages between Hopkins and Churchill on this subject, see ante, pp. 16.