J.C.S. Files
Memorandum by the Secretaries of the Combined
Chiefs of Staff1
C.C.S. 155
[Casablanca,] January 18,
Conduct of the War in
In accordance with the conclusions of the Combined Chiefs of Staff at
their 60th meeting,2 a draft memorandum setting out the tentative
agreements already reached has been prepared and is circulated
herewith for consideration at the next meeting.
V. Dykes
J. R. Deane
Combined Secretariat
Draft Memorandum
The Combined Chiefs of Staff have agreed to submit the following
recommendations for the conduct of the war in 1943.
1. Security:
The defeat of the U-boat must remain a first charge on the
resources of the United Nations.
[Page 761]
2. Operations in the European Theater:
Operations in the European Theater will be conducted with the
object of defeating Germany in 1943 with the maximum forces that
can be brought to bear upon her by the United Nations.
3. The five main lines of offensive action will be:
In the Mediterranean:
- (a)
- The occupation of Sicily with the object of:
- (1)
- Making the Mediterranean line of
communications more secure.
- (2)
- Diverting German pressure from the Russian
- (3)
- Intensifying the pressure on Italy.
- (b)
- To create a situation in which Turkey can be enlisted
as an active ally.
- In the U. K.:
- (c)
- The heaviest possible bomber offensive against
- (d)
- Such limited offensive operations as may be
practicable with the forces available.
- (e)
- The assembly of the strongest possible force (subject
to (a) and (b) above and paragraph 5 below) to re-enter
the continent as soon as German resistance is weakened
to the required extent.
4. In order to insure that these operations and preparations are
not prejudiced by the necessity to divert forces to retrieve an
adverse situation elsewhere, adequate forces shall be allocated
to the Pacific and Far Eastern Theaters.
5. Operations in the Pacific and Far
- (a)
- Operations in these theaters shall continue with the
forces allocated, with the object of maintaining
pressure on Japan, retaining the initiative and
attaining a position of readiness for the full scale
offensive against Japan by the United Nations as soon as
Germany is defeated.
- (b)
- These operations must be kept within such limits as
will not, in the opinion of the Combined Chiefs of
Staff, prejudice the capacity of the United Nations to
take advantage of any favorable opportunity that may
present itself for the decisive defeat of Germany in
- (c)
- Subject to the above reservation, plans and
preparations shall be made for:
- (1)
- The recapture of Burma (
) beginning in 1943.
- (2)
- Operations, after the capture of Rabaul,
against the Marshalls and Carolines if time and
resources allow without prejudice to
6. Assistance to Russia:
The resistance of the Soviet forces must be sustained by the
greatest volume of supplies that can be transported to Russia,
without prohibitive cost in shipping.