II. The Second Washington Conference
(June 19–25, 1942)
[Page [418]] [Page 419]Contents
- 4. Pre-Conference Papers (Documents 259–261)
- 5. Proceedings of the Conference: (Documents 262–290)
- Friday, June 19, 1942 (Documents 262–265)
- Marshall–Churchill meeting, morning (Document 262)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 12:30 p.m. (Document 263)
- Informal meeting of American and British military leaders, 2
p.m. (Document 264)
- Roosevelt-Churchill conversations, afternoon (Document 265)
- Marshall–Churchill meeting, morning (Document 262)
- Saturday, June 20, 1942 (Documents 266–268)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 11 a.m. (Document 266)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, afternoon (Document 267)
- Roosevelt–Churchill–Harriman conversation, afternoon (Document 268)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 11 a.m. (Document 266)
- Sunday, June 21, 1942 (Documents 269–272)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, morning and afternoon (Documents 269–270)
- Hopkins–Brooke conversation, 4:30 p.m. (Document 271)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting with American and British staff
officers, 9:30 p.m. (Document 272)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, morning and afternoon (Documents 269–270)
- Monday, June 22, 1942 (Documents 273–277)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, 11:10 a.m. (Document 273)
- Roosevelt–Churchill–Soong meeting, 12:35 p.m. (Document 274)
- Roosevelt–Churchill conversation, 1:02 p.m. (Document 275)
- Roosevelt–Churchill luncheon conversation, 1:15 p.m. (Document 276)
- Roosevelt–Churchill conversation, 2:30 p.m. (Document 277)
- Roosevelt–Churchill meeting, 11:10 a.m. (Document 273)
- Tuesday, June 23, 1942 (Documents 278–282)
- Meeting of Roosevelt and Churchill with their shipping advisers,
11:30 a.m. (Documents 278–279)
- Roosevelt–Churchill luncheon meeting, 1 p.m. (Document 280)
- Meeting of Roosevelt and Churchill with their military advisers,
2:40 p.m. (Document 281)
- Roosevelt–Churchill–Duke of Windsor meeting, 5 p.m. (Document 282)
- Meeting of Roosevelt and Churchill with their shipping advisers,
11:30 a.m. (Documents 278–279)
- Wednesday, June 24, 1942 (Document 283)
- Thursday, June 25, 1942 (Documents 284–290)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 9:30 a.m. (Document 284)
- Marshall–Dill–Brooke luncheon (Document 285)
- Meeting of the Pacific War Council, 12:30 p.m. (Documents 286–287)
- Hopkins–Mackenzie King conversation, afternoon (Document 288)
- Roosevelt–Churchill conversation, 2:30 p.m. (Document 289)
- Roosevelt–Hopkins–Churchill dinner (Document 290)
- Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 9:30 a.m. (Document 284)
- Friday, June 19, 1942 (Documents 262–265)
- 6. Conference Documents and Supplementary Papers
(Documents 291–309)