Hopkins Papers

The British Minister of Supply (Beaverbrook) to the President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins)

My Dear Harry, I enclose a copy of a letter and document which I have sent to the President this morning.1 I have also sent a copy to the Prime Minister and attach a copy of my Minute to him.

If the leaders of our race will look at the supply situation they will see the imperative necessity for an immense increase in production here and in Great Britain. Canada may also be relied upon to do something more.

Yours ever,


The British Minister of Supply (Beaverbrook) to Prime Minister Churchill

Prime Minister

Here is an important document which I have sent to President Roosevelt.

It is imperative that supplies should be determined as soon as possible.

I support a Supreme Command in supplies as well as in strategy. Mr. Harry Hopkins is the proper authority and he should be asked to co-ordinate the production of the United States, Great Britain and Canada, including raw materials.

There is also a pressing need for the co-ordination of radio production, which requires the immediate attention of the authorities.

  1. Supra.