710.Consultation(2)/360: Telegram
The Ambassador in Peru (Norweb) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6 p.m.]
102. The Foreign Minister assures me that the Peruvian Government concurs in the proposal for a convention and resolution substantially as submitted in the Department’s circular of July 11, 5 p.m. He said that his Government had in mind certain additions to the preamble to the convention stressing in some detail the basic principles of Pan-Americanism. His Government also has in mind recommending abrogation of the last sentence of sub-paragraph (f) of paragraph 1 as it seems desirable to avoid bringing up this question of eventual restoration or self-government.
[Page 230]As regards paragraph 8 he said Peru would be in favor of a provision whereby the convention would come into effect upon ratification by the United States, by two-thirds of the states of Central America including Mexico, and by two-thirds of the South American countries. I endeavored to discourage such a zoning plan on the grounds that the Americas should be considered as a unit and that any percentage basis should apply to the 21 republics.
He promised a formal memorandum tomorrow after Peru’s position had been worked out in detail by the Advisory Committee on Foreign Relations.